One the endearing features of our saunas that falls under the rustic elegant motif that we employ is the use of stick hardware. These also fall under the category of Finnish Pragmatism that is an influence in my design; whereas superfluous embellishment is avoided and using what is at hand is always desired over spending for what you don’t really need. In my head I keep an inventory of all the random parts I have collected over the years that are stowed away in my shop and when a need arises I quickly do a mental scan and see if something in stock will do rather than going to a hardware store or jumping online. Likewise, I often resort to “natures hardware store” when I need things like door pulls and towel hooks.

It is amazing all the parts you can extricate from the intricate workings of tree.
The best is Hickory because of the way branches crook when they take off in a new direction, and it is very hard. After all, they make baseball bats out it. Recently we had to fell a Hickory so I salvaged all the door pulls and towel hooks I could from it.

The tree will live on as it greets sauna users with a sturdy handshake each time they enter the sauna.
It’s the small personal touches and attention to detail that makes us proud of our work and makes our work fun and enjoyable. By avoiding the cold and the common place, we make each sauna as unique as its owners.