
Complexities of heat transfer

I always loved physics because it deals with the tangible effects of the forces of nature— the interactions between matter and energy—that explain the things that we feel or see on a daily basis. Specifically, I want to delve into the transfer of heat, which seems to be a hot topic in sauna forums.

There are three methods of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. In a sauna, (and everywhere else, unless you live on a planet at absolute zero: -460 °F) there are all three. Heat always goes from a warmer object to a cooler one, and a closed system is entropic, that is to say, if you sip too slowly, the ice will melt and your drink will eventually all be the same lukewarm room temperature. The transfer of heat is greater when the temperature difference (ΔT) is greater, and it slows over time, until the temperature equalizes in a system, which, for our study, includes not just inside the sauna, but the environment it sits in. Which is to say, no matter how well you insulate it, eventually the sauna will reach the ambient outdoor temp, unless, like a house (or a sauna in a house,) you keep the heat on. This is a factor in freestanding sauna design as we have to assume the starting point is anywhere from 0 to 100°F (unless it is fired up constantly) and the desired bathing temp is 180-220°F. In a house we are trying to hold the temp at about 70°, in the residential sauna, we need it to hold temp for a few hours, at the most.

Conduction is the transfer of heat from one solid or liquid to another by direct contact. You Grab a (foolishly installed) metal doorknob to the sauna that is either 200°F or 10°F, depending on the season, and which way you are going, and the heat rapidly conducts either to your hand or from it, with a resulting shriek. Same is true if someone pushes you against the hot stove as you try to leave the sauna, burning your butt to the point where sitting was impossible for two weeks, as happened to me once. This is conduction which we typically try to avoid in the sauna, but it happens. Less dense materials, like your towel, mitigate conduction, which is why we look for low density boards like cedar, not hardwood, for the benches, which would feel like a hot iron on your posterior.

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids. It is in part driven by gravitational forces whereby warmer gasses or liquids are typically less dense and lighter and thus tend to rise as cooler ones sink. This create a convective loop as the heat is circulated to, say, the walls of the room, or you on the top bench, and then the air cools and falls, creating an endless loop. I say typically, because there is this oddball exception: water close to freezing gets less dense and thus freezes on the top of lake or pond, making hockey, ice plunging after a sauna round, and life on this planet, possible. If the movement of air is stopped, say by the fibers of mineral wool or two close layers of glass, it becomes an insulator. Air itself holds very little heat per volume-more than a thousand time less than water, whereas water holds twice the heat energy of granite and about the same as steel. A large volume of this dense, heat holding material is called a thermal mass, which can mitigate the fickle effects of convection, especially when the air is coming and going, by acting as reservoir of heat. That is why we try to keep the door closed in the sauna—all of the air convecting nice warmth around us is disturbed by the cold air rushing in to take it’s place. But that’s not so bad—as we actually want the fresh air—as long we have some thermal mass to mitigate the swings in temperature.

In home construction, the emphasis is on controlling convection: eliminating it inside wall cavities and not allowing warm air to escape from heated (conditioned) spaces, especially up high where it creates a chimney effect, whereby escaping warm air creates negative pressure and sucks in cold air from wherever it can. In a not-so-old house on a cold night, put your hand over the wall outlets—even on interior walls— and you will likely feel cold air being sucked in. More so if a you have a big cozy, romantic, fireplace with an actual chimney and a roaring fire, which feels great, but sucks the heat right out of house.

In a freestanding wood fired sauna, there will be leaks and cold air coming in. That’s ok because we want fresh air, as long as we control where it comes and goes. Air and steam will move the heat around but eventually it settles into strata: hot up high and cold down low. Air movement can help break up this layering of cold to hot, but it is difficult to control. Thus, the upper bench will always be hotter; unless you have an Aufgussmeister to move the heat around with his swirling towel dance.

The last method of heat transfer is Radiation. Sounds bad, like Chernobyl, but radiation is everywhere; all objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal radiation, mostly in the infrared range that we can see with a special camera. At a certain point heat becomes light you can see and the color of the light corresponds exactly to a temperature. The dull red glow of a poker in the fire ( or the top of my sauna stove when I fire it hot) is 1200°F. The surface of the sun burns at 5772°K, which is the color of the sunlight we bask in on the beach. Fortunately, the sun appears relatively small, otherwise we would burn up instantly. We radiate as well; after getting sunburned, your skin will be hotter than the person next to you and will radiate heat to them. In fact all bodies, especially black bodies, which are not necessarily black, radiate and absorb heat, depending on which is hotter. The only things that are not black bodies are things like foil, which reflects most heat directed at it. Surface area and angle of incidence also matter; the more surface area and the more parallel two surfaces are, the more heat transfer. Temperature difference matters too: too much and the effect is intense, like when I pour bronze and have to stand an arms length away from the pot of molten metal, or stand on a subzero surface in winter and feel the heat being sucked from my body.  Too little difference in temperature (ΔT), and radiation is hardly noticeable. Direction is also important. The fireplace heats our front but not our back. I have a story about a cold drizzly camping trip where all we could do to stay dry was to keep putting our jackets on backwards then forwards as we sat by the fire. And in all these situations it is aluminum foil that saves the day: as an apron to wear, a foil surface to stand on, or an emergency blanket over the shoulders. Foil blocks radiation, (but it does need an air gap, lest it become extremely conductive); without any barrier, heat, like light, radio waves and the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum can radiate millions of miles. Those episodes of Leave it to Beaver are still traveling through space.

In the sauna, radiation is really important as it creates this enveloping heat coming at us from everything hotter than 98°F. If the whole room- walls, benches and rocks, is 200° or more, we will feel the heat coming from each of those surfaces. Colder surfaces like a big window, or that guy that just got out of the cold plunge, will suck heat from us. Something too hot—like a blasting fire in a single wall stove pipe— will feel searing. In an electric sauna, the rocks need to cover the elements so we don’t see/feel the searing red heat. The much cooler—but still hot–rocks will then reradiate the softer heat. Foil, behind the cedar wall (or other wood), will reflect the heat back towards the cedar which will re-radiate towards the interior. The walls need to be just so hot. Radiation also mitigates the effect of the constantly changing air. The air may be cool, but the radiation of the hot surfaces will cut through the cold like the winter sun on your face. Speaking of, nothing like a full body sun-bath on a calm, freezing day to boost the sauna experience! The thermal mass mentioned above will continue to radiate heat even as the door is left open. Cool air swirling in will kill the radiation buzz for sure, but as soon as the door is closed that warm fuzzy feeling  will come back.

So how does all of this daydreaming back to high school physics class inform how I build my saunas? A lot. I want the radiant heat off of the stove to work for me, warming me just so, like the sweet spot in the campfire where you should put your skewered marshmallow (but never do). I aim for a soft radiant heat, like a ΔT of a few hundred degrees at most (me: 98°, the rocks 400°,) but also omni-directional heat (which gets all the walls and benches up to 200° before taking a sauna) and not too intense (make sure the fire has died down and the stove pipe, if single wall, is not too hot). A big window is pretty to look out of, but not too big, as it will suck the heat away from you and a cold cascade of negative convection will sweep over the floor. Thermal mass is great, but not too much, because the sauna will take forever to heat up, and no one seems to have to time for the daylong ritual sauna used to be. I have my bathers all facing the rocks and typically the stove is fired from outside, so there is no worry about the intense (visible) radiant heat through the firebox glass door, which, as cozy as it sounds, may feel too much sitting around a hot campfire and is not the kind of heat you want in a sauna. 

Recently I heard, in an online sauna forum, two seasoned sauna veterans saying you don’t want radiant heat in a sauna. I believe they misspoke. You don’t want high intensity radiant heat, but no radiant heat just is not possible, unless everything has reached a state of equilibrium. That is to say, you are as hot as the rocks, thus cooked like a goose (or the sauna is only 100°F). As long as you are cooler than the rocks, stove, walls and benches, heat will radiate to you. It is said that when you close your eyes in a good sauna, you cannot tell where the stove is. 

How do we get there? Fire it hot to get the rocks and the whole sauna hot, but let the intense fire die down before getting in. Use radiant foil behind the wood (with an air gap) so the foil can reflect heat back into the wood, use a high rock capacity stove or heater to hold and radiate the heat, and make sure everyone can see the heater so the radiant heat—which travels as waves, like light— reaches everywhere.

You can always tell when there has been a really good sauna; everyone coming out looks so… radiant!


Sauna Building Class

Sauna Building Class and workshop with Rob Licht

Learn how to build saunas and gain expert knowledge from master builder Rob Licht in an intensive 4-day class experience

SPRING class: May 1-4, 2025 (CHECK AVAILABILITY>)
FALL CLASS: OCTober 2-5, 2025 (enroll >)

This is a comprehensive sauna building class and workshop with demonstrations, lectures and some hands-on experience. We will cover many aspects of building saunas including:

  • Design and layout of saunas: Freestanding & Electric Saunas
  • Selection of the proper wood and other materials
  • Insulation principles
  • Interior wood paneling
  • The kiuas or sauna stove (emphasis on wood burning)
  • Safe clearances and chimney installation
  • Floor and stove wall masonry construction.
  • Mobile saunas
  • Benches, doors, windows and other sauna details
  • Using the sauna: usage, custom and etiquette
  • sauna culture, business, construction challenges and more… !

Total Class Fee:
$900 individual
$1700 couple/family rate

A $100 non-refundable deposit (for each person) is due at registration and applied to the total class fee. The fee balance is due a month before the class. ($800/indiv. or $1500/couples)

At the Shop of Rob Licht Custom Saunas
8 Verizon Lane, Unit 1, Lansing, NY 14882

Class size will be limited to 12. There will be a waitlist. Please email us at contact@roblichtcustomsaunas.com to get on the early registration list for future classes.

Class Schedule:
Thursday: 10AM to 5PM
Friday: 9AM to 5PM
Saturday: 9AM to 5PM
Sunday: 9AM to 1PM

Lunches will be provided every day. Throughout the intensive days we will have break-out work sessions, time to answer questions, and coffee breaks. There will be opportunities for socializing after class and the option to take sauna at the shop and by the lake. One evening, we will sauna and picnic at a local park on Cayuga Lake. Significant others are welcome to join us for this event.

Recommended prerequisite: We’re not covering basic carpentry (exterior framing), and basic metal working. If you lack these skills it is advised that you take a hands-on carpentry class. 

About the Teacher: Rob Licht has been taking sauna for 50 years and has built and designed hundreds of custom saunas. Rob readily dispenses his knowledge to students and hopes to share his enthusiasm and expert knowledge of sauna with you. 

Rob Licht grew up near Ithaca, N.Y., inspired by the bucolic landscape of the Finger Lakes region. He fell in love with sauna and Finnish culture as a teenager at a local cross-country ski center run by a Finnish family. He has a Master of Fine Arts Degree from Cornell University and has been a practicing artist and teacher for over 30 years. He taught art at Ithaca College for 12 years and has also taught adult education classes in welding, art, and design. He began combining his love of sauna, his practice as an artist, and his skills acquired from working in the building trades into a sauna building business in 1995. Today sauna building is his primary focus and he is one of the leading east coast sauna builders and sauna building educator offering a plethora of information to his clients, and now students, from around the world.

Terms & Info: A $100 non refundable deposit is due at registration payable paypal/venmo and applied to total class fee. Your balance is due (via mailed check) at least 45 days before class in order to attend. We realize that check writing may be a thing of the past, so are other options via paypal but ask that you cover the 3% paypal fee. We will also accept cash for the balance when you arrive, just let us know if you are planning on that so we can plan for your attendance.  In the event the class is under enrolled (6 or less), you will be informed and your deposit of $100 will be refunded. In the case the class is over enrolled (12+) we will put you on a waitlist and we will let you know asap if you can attend. Because of the overwhelming popularity of the class, there is a waitlist, so if you do need to cancel please keep that in mind so we have time to fulfill your spot. Class size will be limited to 12. Class attendees will have the opportunity to buy our sauna building plans at 50% off.

About the Shop: 3000 sq ft with 16 ft ceilings and two large overhead doors and outdoor spaces to ensure good air quality.

Lunch is included: Lunches will be delivered to the shop. We will accommodate basic dietary restrictions with options. Coffee, Tea and snacks will also be available throughout the days of the class. 

Sauna etiquette: We allow about 4 people at a time in the sauna. Bathing suits are required; please bring 2 towels (free from perfumed detergents) to sit on in the sauna. Towels will also be provided everyday. Everyone will get a chance to sauna most days after class.


“This was the best weekend. I learned so much and left feeling full of inspiration and conviction. We can do this y’all- the revolution is happening! I am so grateful to you, Rob and Scarlet, for working so hard to put together such a clear and digestible roadmap for all of us. And I am so grateful for having four days with the loveliest people to talk sauna. What a dream.”  —Erin, NC

“What an amazing weekend of sauna immersion. It was something special to be in an intimate group of like-minded folk focused on something that brings us such joy. Rob and Scarlet so well prepared and so packed with knowledge and hands-on experience! I was so impressed with the smooth and thoughtful delivery of information. Possibly the biggest take away I got was that there are many right and not so right ways to do things, in the end sauna building is an art as much as it is a science, which is why my sauna is so authentic in the experience.”  —Mark, MA

Rob and Scarlet are the real deal! I’m a professional carpenter and builder. I bought and adapted Rob’s mobile sauna plans, and I also did a consult with him. Two years later, and I’ve just had the pleasure of spending 4 days in the shop with Rob, Scarlet, and about a dozen other students, drinking from the firehose of knowledge and experience. They make a great team, both as builders and educators, and they’re just great people to be around. I couldn’t be more pleased and impressed with the experience, and I’m eager to get back to building saunas back on the west coast with my business, Sauna Väki. —Josiah, OR